Cultural Exploration
Culture Exploration
NUR 401 – Career Pathway Assessment
Purpose of Assignment:
The purpose of this assignment is to develop in the learner an awareness of the health beliefs/practices of a culture different from their own.
Approach to Assignment:
To complete this assignment, I assessed my care environment for highest cultural population cared for in our department. After determining the highest population, I began to complete research and accumulate the information needed for the assignment.
Reason for Inclusion:
I included this assignment in my portfolio to show my effective attainment of the culturally core competencies for the RN-BSN program here at Old Dominion University.
Curricular Outcomes:
• Culture
o Considers the impact of research outcomes and, the effects of health and social policies, on persons from diverse backgrounds
By collecting background data for a minority group within my care environment, I was able to formulate possible outcomes and potentially necessary interventions for that culture. The table allowed me to view social policies and beliefs of health and illness to review potential effects that may accompany caring for that culture.
o Integrates knowledge of cultural diversity in performing nursing interventions
The tool has assisted me in my care environment to tailor my care of patients of my researched culture and others I have reviewed since. By collecting this data I can perform nursing interventions like effective communication and address bias prior to interacting with the patients. In many cases, patient will request for either additional interventions or refuse interventions bases on culture and we as nurses must be prepared to accept and assist with these changes with appropriate safety precautions.